It's shocking, no joke!! I went to a friend's birthday outing last Friday to celebrate with her and...she also gave me a present! Reason being, she was busy during my birthday and did not have the opportunity to celebrate it with me. The gift was...kinda huge, hence I could not pack it into my bag. It measured approximately 45 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm, thus I had to carry it home through several MRT stations with inquisitive eyes falling on my present from time to time. At last! I got home, and eagerly opened the wrapper. And...
Lo and behold! I was surprised when I saw this legendary...
Lo and behold! I was surprised when I saw this legendary...

Honestly speaking, I have never seen anything quite like it's a closer shot at the machine:

Notice how straight (or overly straight) the little boy (THE BOY, not his 'thing') stands? Must be due to an overloaded bladder...

...and the tiny metal orifice is where the kiddo 'processes' your Milo Fuze, Ovaltine, green tea or what not into piss...for you to drink!
Anyway, I haven't tried it myself yet...the button at its back is kinda...hard to depress...
Geee.. :-|
Where'd she get that piss machine from?
Marie-Ann: Haha...I asked my friend, but she refused to say... =/
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